How to Spot Phishing emails and what to do About it

In this video I explain how I got an email which looked like it was from American Express. I showed how to spot phishing email and what to do when you do spot one. You need to look at the full header and return path of the email and just delete.
The email looked very official. It even had the American Express Logo. The email stated that my account had been compromised and I had to do something about it immediately!
There were two buttons in the email…One said if I already knew about the security issue to click “yes.” If I did not know about the security issue I should click “no”‘
Here is what the email looked like. Note the official looking logo.
I knew right away the email was a scam… I do not even own an American Express Card.
Another way to spot a phishing email is to look at the complete header. This will tell you exactly where the email came from. The email address in the email was totally phony.
If you do get an email from a business, credit card company or anyone else, my advice is to just delete the email.
If a company contacts you will not be asked to click on a link in the email itself. This is a sure fire way to spot a scam. The sender of the email wants you to click a link to take you to a site or worse to download code that can harm your computer.
Never ever click on a link in an email. My be advice is to just delete the email.
If you are contacted by a company, do not click the email to get to the site. Never ever click on a link in an eamil.
The video below explains what happened and what to do about it.
Here is an additional video I did about Email scams. This involves a phisihing email concerning Paypal.
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