Wear A Mask, Please

Practice the 3 W’s
I’m very concerned with how COVID-19 is affecting all of us.
We are in a serious situation.
Across the country and the planet, infection rates are increasing daily.
Recently in the US we have had several days in excess of 100,000 infections. Hot spots are showing up everywhere!
The virus is not to be taken lightly.
Let’s face it things are not looking good for us, and especially our first responders working in hospitals.
We need to continue to take care of each other. We need to stay vigilant.
Let’s listen to the advice of medical professionals.
There are three important things we can do to help each other.
These are simple easy steps all of us can take to help stop the spread of this deadly virus.
We need to all practice the 3 W’s:
#1 Wear a mask. Yes it can be an inconvenience, but this can help.
#2 Watch you distance. Let’s stay at least 6 feet apart from each other
#3 Wash your hands.
Let’s stop this infection in its tracks by washing our hands often.
We can do this.
We must do this.
And we have to take care of each other!
I’ll put resource links below this video.
Remember the 3 W’s…
Wear a mask, watch your distance and wash your hands.
We are in this together and together we can take care of each other.
All the best!
Mask up everyone!
Stay safe, stay well. And let’s take care of each other!